All that exists is now
The life integration process (LIP) according to Wilfried Nelles is a new form of therapeutic work with constellations. Two things are new: First, unlike family or system constellations, it is not about relationships with other people or the place and role in a system, but solely about the individual person and their inner attitude/relationship to themselves self.
Second, alternates are assigned fixed places in a LIP lineup. These places result from Wilfried Nelles' theory of the development of human consciousness and the (seven) stages of life and consciousness described therein. The LIP is based on the insight that there is absolutely no alternative to our life and everything that has happened in it, and that in this sense everything is “right” the way it is and the way it was. Second, it follows the recognition that the past does not exist except in our heads. The past is what has passed and when it has passed it no longer exists. The past only weighs on us to the extent that deep down we have not realized (often unconsciously, e.g. as a result of trauma) that it is over or give meaning to it because we do not want to let go of it. Therefore, the entire focus of the work is in the now. We do look at earlier stages of life (in the womb, childhood, and adolescence), but only in a way that we re-member (that is, take in without any change) what is showing up. The cause of our problems is not seen in the events themselves, but solely in how we now feel about them.
The LIP is often seen as a new or special "constellation format". He is, but that's just the surface. In order for our life to really settle and integrate into our consciousness, a certain attitude towards life is required, namely respect for all forms and expressions of life, including and especially those that are painful for us or that seem terrible to us. This attitude and its conveyance is the heart (or soul) of the LIP.
In individual coaching, I make myself available as a coach and put myself in the individual positions of the life stages of your LIP.
Next dates for LIP seminars in a group can be found here.