Rebirthing / birth experience and pregnancy
There are countless reasons, events, traumas passed on through generations, beliefs why a consideration of our pregnancy or birth still needs a detachment process. Be it of a physical or psychological nature, which often only shows up in us decades later in adulthood in the form of panic attacks, exhaustion, depression, sudden inexplicable pain and much more.
So of course it is best to come in with the baby a few weeks after birth to initiate the energetic blockages inherent as well as relief on a structural level. This is how we support our children to tap into their very own vitality.
But what if nobody did this to us? We adults, too, can consciously look at stuck topics about our pregnancy or our own birth again.
My method is a powerful mix of craniosacral and biodynamic bodywork specifically geared to pregnancy, embryonic development and childbirth, as well as a systemic, bioenergetic approach, be it with the life integration process or a specifically systemic rebirthing method. We decide together how we approach the topic mindfully.
Devoting oneself to the subject of birth can have very different motives.
Did you perhaps give birth to your child with a caesarean section or were you born with a caesarean section and the life forces of a natural birth are missing? Was your birth or your child's birth difficult, upsetting? Could the father of the child be there or were you alone? Have you possibly been separated from your parents after the birth? Have you or your child got stuck and were afraid of death at that moment, which is still showing in your life. During your pregnancy, was there an unpleasant event, death, anxiety that your child felt connected to you?
So it may be that your mother suffered a shock during pregnancy, was raped and you still carry this trauma deep in your cell structure.
Your twin died during pregnancy and you spent a few months with him. Death and being alone in the here and now sits deep inside you and doesn't let you come into your full vitality.
We are not aware of how many symptoms can often show up in us on a physical and psychological level that can be traced back to our formation in the womb and our own birth.
"During pregnancy, the baby's cells migrate into the mother's bloodstream and then circle back into the baby, it's called 'fetal-maternal microchimerism.'
For 41 weeks, the cells circulate and fuse back and forth, and after the baby is born, many of these cells remain in the mother's body, leaving a lasting imprint on the mother's tissues, bones, brain, and skin, often staying there for decades. Every single child a mother has afterward also leaves a similar imprint on her body.
Even if you're not pregnant or have an abortion, these cells still make their way into your bloodstream.
Research has shown that when the mother has a heart injury, fetal cells rush to the site of the injury and transform into different types of cells that are specialized in repairing the heart.
The baby helps the mother fix it while the mother builds the baby.
This is often the reason why certain diseases go away during pregnancy.
It is incredible how the mother's body protects the baby at all costs, and the baby protects and rebuilds the mother - so that the baby can safely develop and survive.
If you're a mom, you know how to intuitively feel your child even when it's not there... Well, now there's scientific evidence that moms continue to carry it years and years after birth.