Create Genogram


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The genogram brings the world principle of duality in the dimension of existence “time” into space.  

Man appears through many ancestors in the human family, represented in the so-called genogram.

Creating a genogram (=extended family tree) is helpful when relationships with oneself, ie one's own place in life and in the world, relationships with family members and other fellow human beings are experienced painfully, for example by showing recurring patterns, instead of serving healthy development of conscious being.

The work on the creation of the genogram is very valuable. A first look at the overall picture often reveals a main theme. Both the horizontal level of a family system and the vertical = transgenerational level with all ancestors are considered. Living and dead relatives are entered with equal rights and thus made “present”. This is a first important step to make all system members aware (e.g. those who are excluded, those who remain silent). In most cases, this first examination of data and facts already has a "salutary" effect on the person to be advised. In the family, broken "family ties" are often re-established, misunderstandings are clarified and "put in order". Complicated family relationships are named and thus made clearer.

Because everyone gets their unique place in this coordinate system, connections and pattern repetitions become clear that were previously unknown or only "vaguely" aware. Clarity follows enlightenment.

Genogram work helps…

  • Approaching troublesome issues
  • To grasp the system at a glance and deal with the details/people
  • With the new order and orientation of perception and experience
  • Taking your own clearly defined place in the system 
  • When locating "disorders and diseases" coming from the system
  • Finding out breaking points in life and their effects (early death, divorce, separation, illness, loss of homeland, loss of function)

Losses/cuts/breakdowns in the family system is the starting point for tasks that other people in the family system take on on their own. These so-called deputy tasks are subject to regulations that were found empirically through the evaluation of many family histories: so-called “deputy regulations”.

Losses mean breaking points in the flow of life and may result in compensatory movements. They come too late, so they have to fail and lead to painful repetitions that remind us of the old fate without being able to turn it around or avoid it for the future. Compensation means here: a later “replaces” an earlier one.

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