Individual Somatic Constellation

Somatic constellation in individual coaching

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Somatic constellation work

(Primal Play) as individual coaching

"Stillness and movement are two aspects of life."

"transpersonal = the same forces are in all of us"

"universal = independent of time and space"

"Borders and connection are one and the same, and without both you cannot have the other."

In the somatic constellation work we touch the level that speaks from our body and that in the encounter with the other person. In the case of individual coaching, I represent the counter part. How? In a playfully physical way. The body is our bridge. Body and spirit represent an inseparable unit. Transformation takes place from within, out of our body. By connecting with our body, trusting it, allowing ourselves to follow it, whether through playful experimentation, setting limits, getting closer, touching or just eye contact. In the here and now to FULLY follow and trust the body in an encounter with a person opens a large space of healing and arriving at oneself. A transformation takes place on the cell structure on the nerve level, because we connect to the whole, to what is already there.

I offer you this space.

An inner wisdom resides in the body, in craniosacral work we speak of inner health or the breath of life. When we align ourselves, when we come into contact with this inner wisdom, we heal from within.

In connection with a person we can openly embrace all of our contradictions - even the parts that feel scary, abandoned, angry, ashamed, shy, playful, too little or too much. Only in community, on the journey through our bodies into the heart of our shared wholeness, can we heal our sense of isolation. Only together can we embrace our unity.

By feeling our limits, we connect with ourselves and the other person. Somatic constellation work offers a healing space on a physical level, our nerves can calm down, our deepest relationship traumas, our blockages, which we carry individually and collectively, are integrated into the cell structure.

In the format of the somatic constellation work we encounter everything that is WITHOUT wanting to change it - this opens a field of transformation.

Primal play is coming into contact with your original self (primal) in a playful way. The intimate thing is that you meet yourself by physically meeting someone else. It takes letting go, trust, surrendering to your body and just doing it. Turn off the head.

We lead ourselves to the place of our power, our authenticity, our very own elemental power, primary connection. A form of depth emerges, which in the encounter brings the traumata stored in our body to the surface at our very own pace.

Primal Play has a playful, an empowering and a primal side. It is guided by the inherent motivation of the here and now. Through the playful side, you develop motivation, strength, feelings and connection. It is a form of mindfulness work, as you get to know and feel your own limits and those of the other person. Stepping onto the field of primal play is training for the unexpected. Creativity, courage and openness help. The playful part, the playful field in this process contributes so much to our healing and our very own flourishing, promotes emotional stability, allows us to express ourselves in a very authentic way and increases our well-being. It strengthens our relationships, increases our trust, compassion, intimacy and empathy.

By allowing to put aside the barriers and stories we carry around in our heads, a whole new perspective opens up for us. Speak a new move.

“We carry our very own original programming within us. As we step into these human guidelines, we receive a form of support that we cannot yet fathom. If you do it right, if you find your connection to the world and your body to the world, you will know it, feel it in your bones, in your cellular structure!” 

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