Systemic Family Constellation

Systemic Coaching

Systematic constellation using figures

Look together, appreciate, find ways  

In the words of my teacher Axel Doderer:

Live with empathy and joy

"If we take a closer look at what's behind the frustrations, the failures, the broken relationships in families, we see an impressive logic. It's always about the fact that there is a very clear history or prehistory of what is difficult today. And here are the good news: this can be recognized and resolved! As soon as this happens, the situation heals, nurturing relationships are created again: with others, with oneself, with life."

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Growth and development  

These two terms are very essential to Family Coaching Professional®. They form a basic assumption that runs continuously in the coaching work and support. This is how we recognize growth aspects within the problem areas. If we continue to observe these dynamics in ourselves and our families, the development and maturation processes in them become clear and tangible. 

Systematic constellation using figures

Family Coaching Professional® invites you to turn to a meaningful life and appreciation in relationships. Contents are: systemic work, family constellation, genogram work, life integration process, kinesiology, trauma integration, interviewing, goal setting, new pedagogy, work with inner images and metaphors and symbol work. This content is supplemented and expanded using phenomenology and energetics. Family Coaching Professional® is aimed at individuals, couples, parents, children and young people in all conceivable combinations with their respective problems. Topics can include: relationship issues, behavioral problems, ADD, ADHD, support for separation, backgrounds for illnesses, burnout, depression, life crises and the search for meaning.  

Systematic constellation using figures

Family Coaching Professional® is so successful because it brings the loving, thoroughly human side to life in ourselves. And because it consistently creates good relationships within the family and beyond. Empathetic and joyful connections strengthen and renew us. We find our way and space for ourselves and for our children. Changes set in.  

Every topic that shows up in us, in our children, in the partnership, within the whole family or in the company context as persistent, chronic, stressful or as escalation and extreme is connected to deeper causes and layers of our lives. If these connections and their dynamics are recognized, steps of change result that immediately relieve the situation and can usually be finally clarified and stabilized in a few further encounters. 

I look forward to looking with you, appreciating and finding new ways on your path of development. 

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